Keveon’s Story

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Our firstborn, Keveon, was born on January 24th, 2020. He was 9lbs 1oz and so perfect.

Almost a week later, after his newborn screening test came back, we found out he was diagnosed with PKU. We took him to the office in Topeka that evening, and they gave us so much information about what PKU is and the specific needs that Keveon now has. They showed us how to do his tests every week, how to mix formula and gave us a phone number that we could call or text with any questions, any time.

We were very overwhelmed at first but they had so much grace and patience and were so kind. Even now, 7 months later, I still have a lot of questions and I know they are just a call or an email away and I will always get an answer. We appreciate the staff so much. ❤ 

Keveon is doing so well. He's growing way too fast for his mama. He's hitting every milestone, he LOVES the outdoors and of course, loves to eat. He's very independent and likes doing things himself. 

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