Clinical Genetics Services

Clinical genetics is an area of medical care pertaining to genetic diseases. Genetic diseases may be passed on in families (inherited) or may occur for the first time in a child without a family history. Clinical genetics services are performed by a specialized doctor (clinical geneticist) and a medical team trained to care for individuals with rare genetic diseases. Clinical genetics services at the CHC include, but are not limited to:

  • Genetic evaluation and testing: Pediatric and adult general genetics, cardiac genetics, cancer genetics, prenatal/preconception genetics

  • Screenings for genetic diseases known to be in a family

  • Laboratory monitoring, genetic testing, and diagnosis

Patients with genetic conditions such as inborn errors of metabolism (IEMs) that require ongoing medical management have access to a 24/7 call service so that providers at the CHC can easily be reached in the event of any complications or emergencies.


Why should you see a geneticist, and what you can expect at a visit to a genetics clinic?

What is a genetic consultation?

Genetic evaluation FAQs