Indiana Adds X-ALD to Newborn Screening

Newborn Screening Baby

Starting July 1st, Indiana began screening for X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy (X-ALD) via newborn screening.

X-ALD occurs when certain fats (very long chain fatty acids or VLCFAs) cannot be broken down in the body. These fats build up and affect how the body normally functions. This disease largely affects the nervous system and adrenal glands.

X-ALD affects 1 in 17,000 individuals (males and females) worldwide. Since it is an X-linked condition, X-ALD affects males more severely and is more common in males. However, women who are carriers of X-ALD can have symptoms in adulthood.

Stem cell transplantation may halt the progression of X-ALD in children if the disease is diagnosed and treated early, hence the inclusion of X-ALD on the newborn screen.

The Community Health Clinic serves as the newborn screening follow-up center for 19 counties in Indiana.